Digital Scrap booking
Tu Tu's
Tu Tu's are a widespread phenomenon! Well it is at least for moms and women who are into making their daughters look like a princess! Photographers also are suggesting this as a piece of wardrobe for little girls because it is just the cutest thing you have seen! Fortunately I like to scour the Internet from time to time to learn about these new and upcoming things that are a big hit and like to take part in it. I don't do video tutorials and I'm sure it would help if I did to help you see the actual process BUT YouTube is flooded with tutorials on how to make these adorable and affordable little pieces of art! So If you haven't already learned how to do this craft or would like to learn i will explain it in my BEST word terms as possible and IF this tutorial does help please do pass it on or LINK me onto to others with my link to this blog because I want to share! that's why Iam here! Also please do feel free to comment! Thanks!
(Will be made with an Elastic waist band.)
Here is what you will need.
(1) one inch pack of elastic. OR up to two inches if you are doing it for a older girl.
(2-3) Tulle colors of your choice. Make them about a yard to two yards depending on the size of the youngster your providing the tu tu for. For easier making, take the tulle you have and start folding it start to finish about 3-4 inches with each fold making it even do this for ALL your tulle colors. For example take the beginning piece of tulle and fold it in ward or up about 3-4 inches and continue this until you reach the end. Make sure you have a large surface area to do this.
(1) Sewing machine OR one needle and white thread to sew together the ends of the MEASURED elastic.
(1) Sewing measuring tape. Usually made of vinyl/plastic
(1) Matching or themed colored ribbon either a spool or a yard or two to work with. This can also be sewn onto the tu tu for decoration.
This is the Elastic. It can be any color you choose just make sure the size of it is right. White is the most common color.
This is the Tulle. It again can be any colors you choose. It cane be a themed color for representing something or just for fun.
1) First you must measure your model. ( your daughter, niece Etc.) whom you are making this item for.
For what ever measurement you come out with cut the elastic TWO inches shorter than the actual measurement. this is done because it will help the tu tu stay on.
You accomplish this by taking the measuring tape along side the elastic and marking your measurement TWO inches shorter. for example if the subject was 17 inches around in the waist you would cut the elastic at 15 inches. Make your mark and cut it.
2) Once the elastic is cut you must sew it to the other end. take about one inch of one end of the elastic and sew at that point. You may either hand sew it with a needle and thread OR a sewing machine. But in all be sure to sew it securely.
4) Take your folded tulle that you pre folded and lay it horizontally. Next you need to use your measuring tape along side your tulle and measure and cut every 3-4 inches If you feel comfortable go ahead an eyeball the measuring.Do this for all your tulle. this will produce a roll of tulle 3-4 inches wide and however long in length your yardage was.
5) take each of your rolls that you just cut and cut them in half's for all of your tulle. Do this for all your tulle.
6) Once all your tulle is cut take the pieces about 5 of each color in pattern by knotting it to your elastic while it is still on the plastic pitcher. To do this start with whatever color you choose and gently lift the elastic away from the pitcher and bring through your first piece of tulle making the ends match evenly. Once this is established make your first knot but DO NOT tie to tightly just enough to hold it close to the elastic as close as you can get without causing the elastic to bend inward. Then you want to AGAIN tie a knot over that knot.
7) Do about 5 of the same color OR create your own pattern of color. Then start on the next color of tulle for about another 5 and just continue to go around the pitcher completing and repeating this process until it is finished.
8) When you are finished with the tu tu you must cut the excess of tulle at the bottom of the tu tu. Or you can keep it how it is if you like it. You want to cut off about two inches depending on how short or tall your subject is. To do this you simply lift up a section of the tulle and start cutting up TWO inches from the BOTTOM of the tu tu and do this all around the tu tu until it is complete. By doing this it will also appear more fluffed.
9) Finally Find a place in between all the tulle at the elastic band and sew on your bow. It can be wired ribbon or not. glittered or not. Just your preference.
Note: to fluff the tu tu just pull the pieces of tulle upward on the band.
I hope you enjoy! again this is just an EXPLAINED tutorial. It is hard to visualize without picture or video I know BUT you tube can also provide the visual.